Child Labour Workshop

The Tobacco Industry Marketing Board (TIMB) will host a Child Labour Workshop on Feb 29, 2024, to combat child labour. The event will bring together government officials, businesses, farmers, civil society and international organisations to focus on collaborative and actionable solutions, seeking commitments within the National Action Plan for positive change.

About the event

The Child Labour Workshop will bring together the Zimbabwe government, National Employment Councils (NECs), civil society, and international organisations, with a specific focus on generating actionable solutions to combat child labour in Zimbabwe.

The overarching objective is to garner support and secure sector-specific commitments for the child labour component within the National Action Plan for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (NAP-OVC), transforming the national plan into a catalyst for comprehensive and positive systemic change.

This workshop is taking place at the Rainbow Towers Hotel & Conference Centre, on February 29th, 2024, in Harare, Zimbabwe.


The Child Labour Workshop invites stakeholders in high-child-labour risk sectors to converge, share insights, collectively strategize, and commit to sector-specific actions for the effective eradication of child labour.

The specific objectives of the workshop are:

  • To raise awareness on the child labour component of the NAP-OVC.
  • To obtain sectoral commitments, mobilise support, and engender stakeholder ownership of the child labour component of the NAP-OVC.
  • To contribute to a roadmap, with specific sectoral commitments, responsibilities and concrete actions and milestones for the implementation and realization of the goals of the child labour component of the NAP-OVC by 2027.


  • 08:00 to 09:00

    Arrival and registration

  • 09:00 to 09:15

    Setting the scene

    • International and domestic legal framework
    • Durban Call to Action
    • Social protection and other initiatives against child labour
    • Draft National Action Plan for Children (2023-2027)
    • Role of NECs in supporting Zimbabwe Decent Work Agenda and NDS1
    • Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

  • 09:15 to 09:25

    Opening remarks

    • Tobacco Industry Marketing Board

  • 09:25 to 09:30

    Statement by NEC Agriculture

  • 09:30 to 09:35

    Statement by NEC Mining

  • 09:35 to 09:40

    Statement by ZDAWU

  • 09:40 to 09:45

    Statement by NEC Tobacco

  • 09:45 to 09:50

    Statement by NEC Commercial

  • 09:50 to 10:00

    Statement by the ECLT Foundation

    • Michiel Reerink

      President of the Board

  • 10:00 to 10:30

    Tea break

  • 10:30 to 12:30

    Plenary session: Synthesis of research findings

  • 12:30 to 14:00

    Lunch break

  • 14:00 to 15:00

    Sector breakout sessions to validate commitments

  • 15:00 to 15:30

    Tea break

  • 15:30 to 17:00

    Plenary session: Sectoral commitments

  • 17:00 to 17:05

    Next steps

    • Innocent Mugwagwa

      Executive Director of the ECLT Foundation

  • 17:05 to 17:10

    Closing remarks - TIMB

    • TIMB